There are numerous public transport methods to get to Badaling since it's so popular, so if you don't have access to a car or a tour company, it should be easier than Simatai.
The trip starts with a cable car to the wall or you can also just hike up, but this takes 2 - 3 hours. We took the cable car, which makes it a very quick trip.
The wall is absolutely beautiful in this spot.
Here's what the cable cars look like.
Near the top!
The great wall is absolutely stunning.
There are tons of people on the great wall at Badaling. At Simatai, there are less people.
It gets packed at the towers because Chinese don't like being in the sun.
Plus everyone has to take some snaps in the windows.
You must admit they are pretty!
This is a famous rock with Mao's inscription: "You are not brave / tough guy unless you can climb all 8 towers." People lined up to take photos with it.
Class "A" tourist sites in China have too many people.
Damn Koreans!
Here is the large "Blessings and Grace Palace," where Ming Dynasty people would make offerings to Emperor Zhu Di.
Here is inside Changling Tomb's building, the "Blessing and Grace Palace."There are some nice hats inside.
And silverware.
A copper statue of Emperor Zhu Di.
There is a small tunnel in the Changling tomb, but it hasn't been excavated so you can't go inside.
Don't use your cell phone - this valley has a lot of Qi!
The valley was chosen using Feng Shui (wind-water), a type of geomancy.
You come up to the tomb, which is square in the front and round in the back, symbolizing the Chinese belief that the earth was square and heaven was round.
Here you can see the building.
Not really sure what this is...
This describes the stele that were torn down by the Manchus of the Qing dynasty when they overthrew the Ming.
A customary Feng-Shui gate breaks up the flow of qi.
Ding Tomb is the only tomb you can enter.
You walk through a series of small rooms.
Chinese sort of worship grave sites, so they through a few kuai there to honor the dead.
This is where his coffin was.
Here is his throne.
Some coffins.
One of my favorite photos - a door knocker.
Some elephant benches and tables.
The customary dragon decoration on the stairs.
Chinese fashion says you can always add cat ears.
Cat ears!